Artist Statement:

Drawing is the basis of all my artworks.
In the course of my artistic activity I’ve always tried to look towards a synthesis of the elements in an artwork.
I do need to be an eclectic artist: in the course of time I’ve driven my personal research in several artistic fields: painting, illustration, movies, illustrated books, music.
Even though I’m passionated and attracted by the classical techniques as oil on canvas or drawing with pencils or china-ink, nowadays I also look at digital medium with great interest: I’m searching the way to let them coexist eachother.
In my paintings, I’ve found oil on canvas the most suitable medium in order to obtain bright and harmonic surfaces.
Isolated animal figures live in a tidy natural context. Few elements around them: the horizon’s line, sheets of water, woods or sequences of trees, rare mountains in the distant background.
Together with these elements of a mental vision of the nature, some majestic and transluscent architectural shapes: monolyths, arches, walls.
Through this “minimalist” composition, I try to transmit a sense of wonder, suspension, timeless calm, contemplation, silence, peace.
Even if I’ve been always very attracted by modern and contemporary arts, I believe that it’s very easy for everyone to find in my artwork a relationship with the Italian Art of the first Renaissance, Piero Della Francesca above all, or with Albrecht Dürer as well.
I’ve found the Artist’s Book a very suitable tool for my artwork’s way.
I’m working nowadays with passion in this field with several projects, sometimes in collaboration with poets and musicians.

Main Solo Exhibitions

2019 Cesena, Galleria il Vicolo
2018 Lugo Ra, Caffè Letterario
Albissola, Galleria Il Bostrico
2016 Firenze, Galleria Immaginaria
2014 Zwingenberg (D), Remise Galerie
Faenza, Palazzo Delle Esposizioni
2013 Milano, Galleria Arnaldo Pavesi
Milano, Galleria Baroni
2012 Karlsruhe (D), ArtFair 
Brisighella, Museo Ugonia
2011 Berlin (D), Walter Bischoff Galerie
Firenze, Galleria Immaginaria
Faenza, Temporary Show-Room
2010 Faenza, Bottega Bertaccini
Roermond (NL), DZD Art Gallery
2009 Faenza, Galleria Comunale d’Arte
Davis CA (USA), John Natsoulas Art Gallery
Faenza, Riunione Cittadina
Berlin (D), Walter Bischoff Galerie
Treviso, Libreria Lovat
Ravenna, Galleria Mirada
2008 Faenza, Libreria Moby Dick
Faenza, Imola, Lugo – AppArtenere
Roermond (NL), DZD Art Gallery
2007 Sansepolcro, Galleria Le Gocce
Sansepolcro, Open Studio Gallery
Faenza, Galleria Il Fontanone
2006 Roermond (NL), DZD Art Gallery
2005 Firenze, Galleria Immaginaria
Faenza, Galleria Spazionove
2004 Paris (F), Galerie Romanet/Charlotte Norberg
2003 Bagnacavallo, Chiribilli
Messina, Galleria Astrolabio
2002 Roermond (NL), DZD Art Gallery
Faenza, Palazzo Delle Esposizioni
Milano, Spazio Bocca in Galleria
2000 Paris (F), Galerie Romanet
Palazzuolo sul Senio, Oratorio di S. Antonio
1999 Conegliano, Galleria Artefatti
Conegliano, Quartiere Latino Libri
1998 Messina, Galleria Astrolabio
Bondeno di Ferrara, Rocca Possente di Stellata
Faenza, Palazzo delle Esposizioni (antologica)
Firenze, Galleria Immaginaria
1997 Cotignola, Palazzo Sforza
Sansepolcro, Galleria La Loggia
1995 Città Di Castello, Galleria Il Pozzo

Recent Participations

2020 Newcastle (UK)-Winter Exhibition
2018 Imola – Ultimi paesaggi
Forlì – Esercizi dello sguardo
2016 San Leo – Paragone
 Imola – Volti
2015 Roma – In piatto, Nutrimenti ad Arte
2014 Imola – Arte dal vero
2011 Ravenna – Ne la pittura tener lo campo
2009 Ravenna – La colpa la pena l’estasi in Dante
2008 Varie sedi – AppARTenere
1999 Milano – Ty Nant e gli artisti

Art Fairs

Den Haag – Holland Art Fair

Innsbruck – Art Innsbruck

Gand – Lineart

Karlsruhe – Art Karlsruhe

Berlino – Berliner Liste

Bologna – Artefiera

Vigo – Puro Arte

Istanbul – Contemporary Art

principali esposizioni internazionali 1 scaled